Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daddy's Going to Teach Him to Hurdle

This post was started on Wednesday, February 24. Hopefully it will finally be completed here on March 1.

Today, Kai and I went down to the playground which is about a quarter mile down the road. We took a stroller down there as we usually do. After about 30 minutes of running around, Kai was done playing so he stated walking towards home. Kiki and I followed him and gave him some direction when he would start getting off track. I never thought he would make it all the way home, but he sure did! Here is a picture of him after his journey today:

This has been one crazy week as Stephanie has had to work late every night except Friday night so I got to spend a lot of 1 on 1 time with Kai. We spent a lot of time playing. We took advantage of the warmer weather in the middle of the week and spent a lot of time outside.
On Friday evening, we took a family trip to the grocery store and ran a few other errands. One of our errands was grabbing some dinner so we went to Chipotle. It was a good meal, Kai threw his quesadilla on the floor but he really likes their tortilla chips. Kai wanted to be like mom and dad so he dipped his chip in to the hot salsa and got a big chip full of it, then stuffed the whole thing in his mouth. Needless to say, he was shocked and started screaming. We offered him some sour cream as dip and he LOVED it! He got it everywhere, too bad we didn't have a camera with us!

On Saturday, we all had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Now, that may not sound particularly news worthy, but no one living in this house had ever actually made a grilled cheese sandwich! I made the sandwiches and they were delicious!

Last night Stephanie and I had a date night while Kai played with Master P and his parents. We met up with a lot of friends and had a fantastic time! Our friends invited over 9 other couples for a night of dinner and games, Stephanie and I are so glad that we went. No one brought a camera though, I'm kind of starting to see a theme here that we need to do a better job bringing our camera with us wherever we go!

Kai has his first day at school tomorrow. Please remember him (and his parents) in your prayers as this will be a big change for all of us!

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? - Numbers 23:19

Sunday, February 22, 2009

There's a Light at the End of the Tunnel!

You know, when you start off a blog post with a super awesome picture of such a handsome young man, you really need to use good words and try to make this the most eloquently written blog post ever...either that or you just put in more pictures and not take the chance of sullying up the cool picture with inadequate words.

We just got Kai's 1 year photos taken. We have had a family picture taken at each of Kai's quarterly photo shoots. I am surely biased, but I think that the Lesnets are one good looking family!

Kai got in a fight with an end table in our family room on Friday. He and Melissa, our nanny, were chasing each other around and Kai tripped and face planted in to the table. Kai split his lip and got a bloody nose but barely cried..he's one tough hombre!

I am sure that several of you loyal readers out there are hoping for a progress report from last weekends "divide and conquer" home improvement marathon. Well, I had high hopes for the weekend but I was only able to complete the master suite. Stephanie and Kai were impressed though and that's all that really matters.

Here is kind of a before picture of our master closet. I had already removed 1 of the wire shelves but I did remember to take an "almost before" picture. That's not so bad.

Here is our master bath before weekend home makeover.

Here is the after picture of our master closet. Pretty smooth huh?"
The after shots of the master bath. Notice the snazzy new vanity lights?
Although I did not get nearly as much done as I had planned, I do know that I wouldn't have completed anything if not for all of the help that A.J. Smith gave me on Saturday. He is such a great friend and we work very well together on projects.

I did not get any of the work done in the kitchen or mud room that I had planned. It may be a little while until I get up the ambition to get started on that!

In other news, our nanny Melissa is going to start working with another family next week so this is our last week with her. We will miss her. She has done a great job with Kai. Please pray for the Indiana Lesnets as Kai starts going to school every day. This is going to be quite the transition for us and we can most definitely use the prayers.

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy - Job 8:21

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quick Update

We have been busy here in Indiana - lots of snow, then it all melted and it's going to be 60 degrees tomorrow. We did our taxes and are getting a refund :) Mom and Dad have been busy with work, but still managed to do some home improvement projects. Unfortunately, Kai has been fighting some sickness for almost 2 weeks now, but hopefully we have turned a corner.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, I will be cozying up with some paint and painting our master bedroom, bathroom and closet and possibly the kitchen and laundry room. Stephanie and Kai will be going to Ohio to visit her parents and some friends. I will hopefully have some before and after pictures to post over the weekend.

In the mean time, here are some recent pictures. Kai is an observer and likes to watch people. People in the grocery store and Menards are always trying to make him smile or laugh, and he just watches them. One person even said they felt like they were being judged on their job.

Here is Kai playing with his Little People toy he got for his birthday - he likes to pretend he is Godzilla by walking through the village knocking over buildings. He has also figured out how to press the button and make them sing the "Little People" song. He will press it for 30 minutes in a row. Mom, Dad and Melissa, the nanny; are wondering how long the batteries will actually last.

Dr. Smith helped build some awesome shelves in Kai's playroom. Kai is very thankful (and so is mom!)

Kai likes power tools and was a big help to Dr. Smith and I while we built the shelves.

This last one is from Kai's birthday weekend - our friends came over to drop off a gift and we got a cute, er...I mean manly picture of the men.

The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The oracles they gave you were false and misleading. - Lamentations 2:14