May has been an action packed month as evidenced by my lack of blogging. During the month, Stephanie and I went down to Lexington Kentucky and left Kai at home with Aunt Jessica then Grandpa and Grandma Lesnet. Kai had a great time while mommy and daddy were gone!
Stephanie went to Dallas for a week to learn some stuff at training and to go to a conference and left us boys to fend for ourselves. We did great without her, but are glad to have her back!
The remainder of this blog post will be mostly pictures and commentary:
Kai is such a great helper. He loves to help mommy and daddy cook and clean up. As you can tell, he also likes hitting the weights; look at those guns!
Here is Kai teeing off. He's already got a better swing than his old man.
Kai was trying to take his shirt off but hasn't quite figured out how to do so yet. I asked him to put his hands in the air so the he would look like The Great Cornholio. Cracks me up!!
While mommy was in Texas, Kai and I were ambitious and had 5 yards of mulch delivered and picked up a flat of flowers. Kai was a big help!
On Memorial Day weekend Grandpa and Grandma Eridon came down to visit. Here is grandpa and Kai playing some No Limit Texas Hold-Em. Kai bet his dozer and grandpa bet all of the cash in his wallet. I'm not sure who won this hand but I do know that Kai still has his dozer and Kai's piggy bank is a lot heavier.
On Monday, Kai's buddy Master P came over to paint some pictures.
Kai paints with his left hand and Master P paints with his right. Kai still hasn't figured out which hand he prefers but P does everything with the right.
One of the best ways to unwind after some strenuous painting is to blow some bubbles.
I am so proud of my family and I am so humbled to have such an amazing wife and son. Every day Kai learns something new and every day is one day closer to meeting our new little one. Most of the time I feel like I'm living a dream and I keep hoping the the alarm clock doesn't go off and make it all come to an end. Thank you God for these blessings.
The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. - Psalm 19:9-11