Here is Bubba going Trick-or-Treating for the first time. He could hardly contain his entheusium!
Here are the big boys out getting some candy. They had it figured out this year and used their super powers of being really, really, ridiculously good looking and scored some good loot.
Kai refused to wear the hood on his cow outfit so most folks thought that he was a dalmation. His costume was a little small so I think it was uncomfortable around his boy parts and bottom so we didn't push him to wear the cow head hood. The costume was a 4T so it should have fit, I guess that's what happens when you don't have the kid with you when you buy the costume.
The happy Trick-or-Treaters. By this time Special K had already shed the land shark get up and was just cruising around being Special K.
With the cow head on.
Don't they look happy? Neither boy (or cow) particularly enjoying this moment.
I think that Stephanie looks super hot in that Lesnet Farms hat!
After all of that Trick-or-Treating Kai got to eat 2 pieces of candy. He chose some Dum Dum suckers. 2 fisting...that's my boy!
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth - Psalm 119:103
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