Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Birds

Alfred Hitchcock directed a movie called "The Birds" that takes place in a small town in Northern California.  In his movie, birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people there in increasing numbers and with increasing viciousness.  Well, this ain't no movie!

On Tuesday November 30th, we had a bird invasion.  We were already in the middle of a drama filled evening as Kai had just puked up his lunch right before I got home from work.  Stephanie had given Kai a bath and got him in his PJs but hadn't yet cleaned up the mess that Kai made on the family room sofa.

I got home from work and cleaned up the mess and was taking the super smelly trash out the front door (Wednesday is garbage day so the trash can was already by the street) when I heard this flapping noise go past my head.  I turned around to see this little bird flying in to the house.


Here is the bird perched on the light hanging over our breakfast table.

Here the bird is enjoying the view from the ceiling fan in our family room.

Here is a little present that the bird left for Stephanie on her laptop computer.

Armed with a broom, an expandable feather duster, a large bowl, and a plastic grocery bag I was able to capture the creature of the air and safely deliver it back to his rightful home.  You know, the one that is OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE!

Stephanie took the boys down to the basement to hang out while I hunted this thing down.  I guess Kai really wanted to help me catch him and was very excited about our new pet.

Then he is to release the live bird in the open fields outside the town. In this way he will make atonement for the house, and it will be clean. - Leviticus 14:53

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