Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Stroke of Bad News and a Busy December

A lot has happened since the last update here with the Indiana Lesnets and people whom the Indiana Lesnets love.

On December 10th, my dad and hero had a stroke while sorting the mail at the post office.  His co-workers acted quickly and got him to the hospital in Angola very quickly.  He was then taken by chopper down to Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne where he is still today.

Since December 10th, I have put over 4,000 miles on the Corolla driving back and forth between the Indianapolis area, Fort Wayne, and the family farm in Northwest Ohio.  I have missed quite a few bed times and meals with the family and I have missed Stephanie and the boys very much.  Stephanie is doing a great job keeping everyone in line but she is getting tired too.

To pour some salt in the wound, our washing machine (only 1 1/2 year old) broke (fixed now) and Stephanie has started back to work.

I will update more about Christmas and the cool stuff from the past couple of weeks if some time opens up.  In the mean time, here is our official Christmas picture

Here is the boys taking their first bath together.  So fun!
Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind -Psalm 26:2

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