Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finishing off November 2010

The last couple of weeks of November were pretty quiet on the home front.  The work front was a different story as the old 9-5 has kept poppa Lesnet plenty busy and has kept him away from his family and from this here blog.

Here is a great picture of Stephanie and Bubba chilling out.

We did have our good friends, the Feeneys over for lunch one day.  The boys had a great time with the Feeney girls.  Here is Kai and Alexandria in Kai's ball pit.
We decorated for Christmas.  Kai has been helpful in decorating the tree each Christmas but he was even better at it this year.  Of course, it is his third time doing it so he's an old pro now.

Garland sure is fun!

Good brother shot here.  It is fun watching them bond.  Kai loves his little brother and Bubba seems to be pretty fond of Kai too!

On the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, I (Chad) had to go to Columbus Ohio for work.  It was to inspect some cabin refurbishments on airplanes (exciting, right).  Anyway, after the inspection was over I had lunch with my favorite great Aunt, Aunt Elaine.  Aunt Elaine is my Grandpa Lesnet's sister and lives about 15 miles from the Columbus Airport.  It was the first one-on-one time that I have ever spent with her and I certainly hope it is not the last.  We had a great time!

Thanksgiving for us this year was with just the 4 of us.  It was prepared by The Fresh Market and all we had to do was warm it up on Thanksgiving Day.  It would have been waaay cooler to have more loved ones around on Thanksgiving but it was still pretty nice.

Go Lions!  Darn, another Thanksgiving loss!

We also took our Christmas card picture.  I won't post the one that we're using but here are a couple of shots of the boys with one of their parents. 

We tried to do our photo next to the tree while sitting on the floor but 10 seconds wasn't quite enough time to get situated on the floor.  This one turned out pretty good except that we're not centered very well.  All other photos were pretty disastrous.
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. - Psalm 69:30

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