Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Winter Wonderland

We are "enjoying" an extremely cold weather pattern here in Central Indiana lately. We have had a couple of snow storms that has left it looking a lot like Christmas around here!

We have all spent the week battling whatever bug that is going around while getting very little sleep. Kai has a stuffy nose and he cut 2 more teeth this week so he has been keeping mommy and I up.

I have scored an amazing Christmas present this year from my incredible wife! The Indiana Lesnet Estate will now have an automatic irrigation system. They started installing it on Friday so our yard looks really funny with a lot of pipe sticking out of the ground. The only negative to the install is that the irrigation installers cut Kiki's underground invisible fence. Now we have to keep a close eye on her all the time so that she doesn't escape!

Kai scored a sweet electric guitar (I call it his "axe") from his Great Aunt Nora out in California. He really likes all of the lights and music. Mom and I dig the whammy bar!

On Sunday, I was able to go to my first Colts game at the brand new Lucas Oil Stadium. It is a pretty awesome facility complete with retractable roof. The Colts won big over the Bengals. I also learned where my company's tickets are, and I like them very much! In order for me to go to the game Stephanie had to cover for me teaching Sunday school. Her topic was on "Why Can't Countries Get Along?". She did an awesome job and I hear that the kids like her better than me so I may have taught my last lesson!

The new Lucas Oil Stadium is adjacent to the old RCA Dome where the Colts used to play. They have deflated the dome and it is set for implosion pretty soon. Also in this picture is Jared from Subway who lives here in Central Indiana. I didn't mean to take his picture but it's pretty funny that he could just as much be the subject of the picture as the old dome.

Although we put up the tree last weekend, we didn't actually put any ornaments on it until this past weekend. Kai really enjoyed watching us and running away with the ornaments and garland. We made sure that there are no ornaments within his reach but we're still afraid that we will have a big Christmas tree accident this year from an elusive, mobile baby boy!
It's amazing how fun it is to put garland on the tree when it is a big game of chase around the tree! Daddy may be a little quicker but Kai has waaaayyyy more endurance!
C'mon dad, hurry up! I see a place on the tree that needs garland!
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. - Luke 2:16

1 comment:

E. P said...

Nice! Kai looks like he is pulling the tree in one of those "strong man competitions"